
3rd U.S. Universities Arabic Debating Championship

The 3rd edition of the U.S Universities Arabic Debating Championship (3rd USADC), hosted at Stanford University in collaboration with the Abbasi Program during the period from 14th – 16th October, 2022.

This championship follows the tremendous success of the 1st USADC at Harvard in 2019 and the 2nd USADC at the University of Chicago in 2021.

Debaters from across the United States in one place debating about critical topics in an environment that provide a platform for cultural exchange, and a chance to strengthen the language abilities of native and nonnative speakers.

The Champions

1st Place

Duke University

2nd Place

Harvard University

Best AFL Team

Georgetown University

The Best Speakers

Top Speakers - Open Category

Top Speakers - AFL Category

The 3rd USADC full TAB results 

A look at the championship